Application Control Methods (GisLink)

The following methods control major application functionality.

They offer control over SIS Workspace Definitions (SWDs), child windows within the main frame window, the visibility of the main frame menu, and control over program exit.

Note: These methods are only available using GisLink created Add-Ins and SIS applications, not in ActiveX Control.

AbandonSession  Abandons the current session.
ActivateWnd   Activates a window by its number, making its SWD current.
CancelRequest Allows certain operations to be cancelled.
Exit Exits the Cadcorp SIS session.
GetNumSwd   Gets the number of different SWD files open.
GetNumWnd   Gets the number of windows open.
GetSessionTimeout   Gets the session timeout value.
GetSessionStatus Gets the status of the current session.
GisExit Exits the Cadcorp SIS session.
IsServiceLicensed Determines if the service is correctly licensed.
Message   Shows a message in the status bar of the main frame window.
ProjectClose Saves and closes the current project.
ProjectOpen Opens an existing project.
Prompt   Sets the prompt to show in the status bar of the main frame window.
SetSessionTimeout   Sets the session timeout value.
ShowMenu   Sets the visibility of the main menu.
SwdClose Closes all of the windows of the current SWD.
SwdNew   Creates a new, empty SWD.
SwdNewWindow   Creates a new window onto an existing SWD, with the given view.
SwdNewWindow3D   Creates a new 3D window onto an existing SWD.
SwdNewWindowTable   Creates a new Table window onto an existing SWD.
SwdOpen   Opens an existing SWD file.
SwdSave   Saves the current SWD.
SwdSaveAs   Renames and saves the current SWD.
SwdSaveAsSwt Saves the current SWD as an SWT.
UpdateWorkspaceWindow Updates the current SWD in the workspace window.
WndArrangeIcons   Arranges any iconised windows in the main frame window.
WndCascade   Cascades any non-iconised windows in the main frame window.
WndTile   Vertically tiles any non-iconised windows in the main frame window.
WndTileHorizontal   Horizontally tiles any non-iconised windows in the main frame window.

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