Renders the specified view into an image.
Visual Basic |
Public Function RenderExtent( _
ByVal xSize As Integer, _
ByVal ySize As Integer, _
ByVal strFormat As String, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal prj As String _
) As String
The y size in pixels to make the image.
image/jpeg | JPEG is suitable for photographs, and is understood by almost all browsers. |
image/gif | GIF is suitable for displaying linework and is preferable to JPEG. |
image/png | PNG is the preferred format, suitable for displaying a mixture of vector and raster data, and understood by latest versions of most browsers. |
image/x-MS-bmp | Windows BMP is an image file format understood by almost all browsers. |
application/x-msmetafile | Windows Meta File is understood by Internet Explorer and other browsers. |
application/pdf;PaperFormat=… | PDF will normally require a browser plugin. The PaperFormat parameter is mandatory; additional standard PDF formatting parameters can be supplied. |
The following list gives the parameter names and values for image formats:
PhotometricInterpretation: (for PNG only, GIF & JPEG are implicitly PaletteColor)
- PaletteColor
DitherPalette: (for PaletteColor only)
- ColorCube125
- ColorCube216
- BlackWhite
- GrayScale/GreyScale
- Adaptive
- OctTree
- Custom
- a literal palette, in the form RRGGBBRRGGBBRRGGBBRRGGBB....
DitherAlgorithm: (for PaletteColor only)
- Default
- SystemSnap
- SystemDither
- PaletteSnap
- FloydSteinberg
Transparent: (for PaletteColor and RGB only)
- True
- False
BGColor: (for PaletteColor and RGB only)
- RGB color in format 0xRRGGBB
Quality: (for JPEG only)
- number from 1 to 100
The first x coordinate of
the rendered image.
Note: Choose a format that is supported by the target users’ browsers. If they have a more recent browser, consider using PNG. If they have older browsers, choose JPEG. This method is usually put in its own ASP page. The applet or control used to display the map uses the separate page as the image source.
Available: GEO
sis.RenderExtent (300, 300, image/gif, 100, 100, 200, 200, "*APrjNatGrid")
Some example format strings with parameters:
application/pdf;paperformat=A4,... + the usual parameters
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