The following methods create SIS graphics.
In many cases it will be easier and more efficient to use the CreateItem method with an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Well-Known-Text string, rather than a stream of MoveTo/LineTo.
BezierTo | Draws a Bezier curve from the current drawing position. |
BulgeTo | Draws an arc from the current drawing position. |
CleanLines | Cleans up LineString items, removing repeated vertices etc. |
CreateAreaFromLines | Creates a Polygon, or Polygons, from the LineString items in a named list. |
CreateAspectGrid | Creates an 'aspect' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles measured from North. |
CreateAssembly | Creates an Assembly item from the items in a named list. |
CreateBitmap | Creates a Bitmap item. |
CreateBlock | Creates a named Block from the items in a named list. |
CreateBoundary | Creates an item from the boundary of the current open item. |
CreateBoxLabel | Creates a special BoxLabel text item, with a line pointing to a labelled location. |
CreateBoxText | Creates a BoxText item. |
CreateCircle | Creates a circular Polygon item. |
CreateConvexHull | Creates the smallest possible item with convex geometry that contains the current open item. |
CreateEllipse | Creates an elliptical Polygon item. |
CreateExtrusion | Creates a Surface item by extruding the current open Polygon or LineString item. |
CreateFormulaGrid | Creates a Grid item by combining named Grid items using an expression. |
CreateGeodeticBuffer | Creates a 'geodetic' buffer around items in a named list. |
CreateGradientGrid | Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as gradients between 0 and 100% |
CreateGraticule | Creates a Graticule item using the current open Map Frame item. |
CreateGreatCircleLine | Creates a Great Circle line. |
CreateGridFromQZone | Creates a Grid item from the current open QZone item. |
CreateHotSpotGrid | Creates a Hot Spot Grid item from the origins of the items in a named list. |
CreateInsert | Creates an insertion of a Block item. |
CreateLineText | Creates a LineText item using the current open LineString item. |
CreateNorthPoint | Creates a North Point item using the current open Map Frame item. |
CreatePhoto | Creates a Map Frame item in the current window, filling it with the composed window. |
CreatePhotoEx | Creates a Map Frame item in the current session, filling it with the specified named composition. |
CreatePoint | Creates a Point item. |
CreateQZoneFromGrid | Creates a QZone item from the cells in the current open Grid item that are between two values. |
CreateRectangle | Creates a rectangular Polygon item. |
CreateScatterGrid | Creates a Grid item from the hook points of the items in a named list. |
CreateSlopeGrid | Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles between 0 and 90 degrees. |
CreateSurface | Creates a Surface item from the current open Polygon item. |
CreateText | Creates a point Text item. |
CreateThiessen | Creates Thiessen Polygon items from the hook points of the items in a named list. |
CreateTin | Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list. |
CreateTinEx | Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list, using advanced creation properties. |
CreateTinFromGrid | Fits a TIN item over the current open Grid item. |
CreateViewshed | Calculates a 'viewshed' over Grid Items. |
DecomposeGeometry | Breaks down the currently open item with complex geometry, so the disconnected pieces form separate items. |
DecomposeGrid | 'Explodes' the current open Grid item into one Polygon item per Grid cell. |
DeleteGeomPt | Deletes a vertex from the geometry of a currently open item. |
ExplodeShape | Converts Point items with symbols into editable items. |
FacetGeometry | Replaces curved geometry segments with shorter straight segments. |
FillGeometry | Fills the space that is enclosed by the geometry of the current open item. |
GeneraliseDP | Generalises geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. |
InsertGeomPt | Inserts a new vertex into geometry from the current open item. |
IsGeomClockwise | Test if the geometry of the current open item is clockwise. |
IsGeomClosed | Test if the geometry of the current open item is closed. |
JoinLines | Joins LineString items within a tolerance. |
LineTo | Draws a LineString item from the current drawing position. |
MoveTo | Sets the current drawing position. |
PasteFrom | Pastes a file into the current SWD. |
SetGeomPt | Sets the position of a vertex in geometry from the current open item. |
SetGeomSegBulge | Sets the bulge of a segment in geometry from the current open item. |
SetGridItemValue | Sets the value in a cell of the current open Grid item. |
SetWatermark | Sets the watermark image used for renders of this SIS Workspace Definition (SWD) in GeognoSIS. |
SliceGeometry | Slices through items in a list cutting them into pieces. |
Snap | Inserts a position into the current callback command |
SnipGeometry | Snips away portions of the items inside or outside the current item. |
SnipTin | Snips out the part of the current open TIN that does not overlap the given Polygon item. |
SubdivideTin | Subdivides the current open TIN item's faces using smooth interpolation. |
StoreAsArea | Stores the previous MoveTo/LineTo operations as a Polygon item. |
StoreAsLine | Stores the previous MoveTo/LineTo operations as a LineString item. |
TraceGeom | Creates a LineString item by tracing geometry from the current open item. |
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