The following methods allow the application programmer or customiser to perform spatial queries on items.
GetClosestPt | Gets the closest point on any linear geometry of the current open Item to the given position. |
GetClosestVertex | Gets the closest vertex of the current open Item to the given position. |
GetGeomIntersections | Looks for intersections between a single piece of geometry from the current open item, and items in the given Named List. |
OpenClosestItem | Opens the item closest to a 3D position within a specified search radius, making it the current open Item. |
Scan | Scans for items, storing any found in a named list. |
ScanDataset | Scans a dataset for items, storing any found in a named list. |
ScanGeometry | Finds items that satisfy a geometrical test with the current open item. |
ScanList | Scans a named list for items matching a named filter and/or named spatial filter. |
ScanOverlay | Scans an overlay for items, storing any found in a named list. |
ScanPointContainers | Finds Polygon items that contain a point. |
Snap2D | Simulates a user snap, setting current item and returning a position. |
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