Create a phased overlay with specified filters and spatial filters applied.
Visual Basic |
Public Function CreateFilteredOverlay( _ ByVal oldPos As Integer, _ ByVal newPos As Integer, _ ByVal filter As String, _ ByVal locus As String _ ) As Integer |
Instead of using a named filter in the filter parameter a SQL statement filter can be used to create a filtered overlay from a database (PostGIS, Oracle, SQL server, etc.)
Available: GEO MD MM ME OD OM SISpy
sis.CreateFilteredOverlay(2, 5, "Building", "Conservation")
This example creates a new overlay at position 5 in the overlay order. The new overlay contains all items from overlay 2 that pass both the Building filter and the Conservation Spatial Filter.
The following example shows a SQL statement used instead of a named filter:
sis.CreateFilteredOverlay(0, 0, "sis_fc = 21001", "")
This example will generate a new overlay from a database in the same location as the old overlay, filtered for the sis_fc property value 21001.
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