Add an Additional GeognoSIS File Layer

All you need to add a GeognoSIS file as a layer is an appropriate Name and the Path to the file, relative to the GeognoSIS server.

The Name will be displayed in the More Mapping dialog and should therefore be descriptive.These are the supported file formats.

.000 .asc .bds
.030 .adf .bil
.1an .AP .BIN
.ACE2 .aux .bip
.ASC .bag .bsq
.bt .BW1 .cit
.CSV .csv .CXF
.DAT .dat .DEM
.dem .dgn .DIM
.doq .dos .dt0
.dwg .dwf .dxf
.e00 .ecw .ers
.evi .fdb .FST
.GEN .glb .gml
.gpx .grb .grc
.grd .gxf .gz
.h5 .hdf .hdr
.hgt .idb .img
.json .jpg .jp2
.KAP .kml .las
.lcp .map .mbtiles
.mdb .MEM .MIF
.mpr .N1 .nc
.nos .ntf .NTF
.NWS .opt .osm
.pix .png .ras
.raw .rik .rst
.RT1 .sds .sed
.shp .SID .sqlite
.TAB .THF .tiff
.tif .TIF .TOC
.xml .vrt .wmf
.xy .xyz .zip