User added name

WFS (OGC Web Feature Service)

Adding an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) adds actual features to the map, not just an image of the feature like a WMS.

Adding the data

  1. From the main drop-down menu, select Layers > Add Layers and select WFS as the Layer Type. Assign a unique name to this layer.
  2. Obtain the relevant URL from the capabilities document and add this in Cadcorp SIS WebMap admin dialog.Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics
  3. Fill in the rest of the parameters.
  4. Selecting Get details from URL will populate most of the required features, you simply need to enter an appropriate name for the layer and set a Max Features value.

Your data should be served out as a WFS from GeognoSIS. See also Serving out data using OGC services


Is it Optional
or Required?




An appropriate name that is descriptive of the layer.



URL copied from the WFS capabilities document Related Topics Link IconRelated Topics

Get details from URL


Select the layer from the WFS you wish to add to the site.



This text will appear on the bottom left of your site.



Automatically populated when you select a layer from the WFS.

Is Base Layer

Optional Choose if the data should be served out as a base layer?

Include in Layer Tree


If the data is being served out as a base layer and the site will be accessed on a mobile device, this option allows you to switch between base layers in the Map Features dialog. (The base layer selector on the top right of the site is not included in the mobile version of Cadcorp SIS WebMap).



Defines if the layer is initially visible and turned on in the Map Features dialog.



A predefined list of SRID numbers to define what projection the data will be drawn in. More SRID numbers can be added in the Projections table of the webMapLayersConfig.db.

Transition Effect


This defines how the map transitions between zoom levels. Currently there is only one option of resize, this resamples the current tile and displays it stretched or compressed until the new tile is available.

Show Image Checkbox


This option is present for legacy support of Web Map Layers 7.1 and 8. If using the latest version of WebMap, this parameter can be ignored.

Geometry Name


Automatically populated when you select a layer from the WFS.

Feature Prefix


Automatically populated when you select a layer from the WFS.

Feature Namespace


Automatically populated when you select a layer from the WFS.

Max Features


Limits the amount of features returned from the WFS. Remember WFS handles actual vectors and not images.

OpenLayers will struggle if a layer has more than approximately 200 vertices.

The Max Feature limit will prevent this happening.

Get Schema Data


If the data being served out as a WFS has a schema applied to it, this schema will then be applied to the data as it is drawn on your web map layers site.

Map Style


This defines the style in which the WFS features will be drawn.

You can set it to use the Default Drawing Styles or Measuring Styles which are saved on a map by map basis in the admin interface (under the styles tab).

Layer Name


Automatically populated when you select a layer from the WFS.

Is Server Overlay


This defines how the request is made to the WFS. If left unticked, the browser will make direct requests to draw the features. 

This method takes longer. If however “Server Overlay” is ticked, then request is made to the WFS by the server, the response is then composed and then sent to the browser as a cache.