Installing Routes to School
Routes to School is an Add-In designed extend the functionality of SIS Map Modeller and Map Editor. Once installed and running, additional options are added to the SIS Applications tab to support routing operations on topological items held in SIS.
Note: The Routes to School Add-In is not available in Map Manager.
The SIS Routes to School Add-in is supplied as a single file; either Cadcorp Add-In Routes to School 8.0.xxxx (x86).exe for 32-bit installations, or Cadcorp Add-In Routes to School 8.0.xxxx (x64).exe for 64-bit installations. When run the appropriate .exe file will install the SIS Routes to School Add-in.
Note: The xxxx field in the filename indicates the minor version number.
Installation Procedure
- Ensure that you have 'Administrator' rights to install software on your PC.
- Navigate to the installation file, as follows:
32-bit installations use Cadcorp Add-In Routes to School 8.0.xxxx (x86).exe
64-bit installations use Cadcorp Add-In Routes to School 8.0.xxxx (x64).exe
- Run the installation file and proceed through the sequence of Cadcorp Routes to School installation dialogs:

When extraction is complete the Welcome screen will be displayed:

Click Next.

Click Next.
A progress bar will be displayed to show installation progress:

On completion click Next.
The Installation Complete screen will confirm successful installation:

Click Close.
- Routes to School will now be added to the SIS Applications tab:

- Note that the SIS Routes to School Add-in is designed to extend the functionality of SIS Map Editor/Modeller. You will not be able to start the program unless your PC is running a licensed copy of SIS Map Editor or Modeller.
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