Coordinate Methods

The following methods offer control over the Coordinate Reference System of the coordinate system, axes and view.

Each Map Window (or ActiveX Control) remembers its own coordinate system.

When the user is running a command inside a Map Window, they must enter coordinates using the window's coordinate system, with the preferred units. The user can change their preferred units with Options [File].

The ActiveX programmer must also use the window's coordinate system, but the units are always metres in Cartesian mode, or degrees in Spherical mode. Any coordinates returned by API methods, or coordinates passed as an argument, will either be in metres or degrees, depending on which coordinate reference system is active. (Z coordinates are metres for both Cartesian and Spherical modes.)

ChangePrjUnits Copies a named Transverse Mercator coordinate reference system, changing the units.
DefineNolDatum   Defines a named geodetic datum, using the standard seven Bursa-Wolf parameters to modify WGS 84.
DefineNolPrjLatLon   Defines a named (Latitude,Longitude) coordinate reference system.
DefineNolPrjTm   Defines a named Transverse Mercator coordinate reference system.
DigitiserSnap   Sends a digitised position into the current callback command.
GetAxesAngle   Gets the angle of the current axes.
GetAxesFromLatLonHgt   Gets the Cartesian axes (x,y,z) position from latitude, longitude and height above sea-level.
GetAxesPrj   Gets a copy of the axes coordinate reference system.
GetAxesType  Gets the type of the current axes (i.e. Cartesian or Spherical).
GetCoordExtent   Gets the extents corresponding to a coordinate format string.
GetCoordString  Gets the string representation of a position.
GetCoordUnits Gets the preferred angle, linear, area or volume units used in the user interface.
GetDatasetPrj Gets a copy of a dataset coordinate reference system.
GetGridItemValue   Gets the value of the cell in the current open Grid item at a position.
GetLatLonHgtFromAxes   Gets the latitude, longitude and height above sea-level of a Cartesian axes (x,y,z) position.
GetPhotoWorldPos   Gets the world position from a paper position within the current open Map Frame item.
GetPos   Gets a position from the user.
GetPosEx Gets a position from the user and returns the action taken.
GetPrjCode   Gets the EPSG code of a named coordinate reference system.
GetViewPrj   Gets a copy of the view coordinate reference system.
MeasureAzimuth  Measures the azimuth between two positions.
MeasureGreatCircle   Measures the Great Circle distance between two positions.
MetreFromStr   Gets a metre dimension from a string, regardless of the units used in the string.
MoveAxes   Sets the position of the Cartesian axes.
SetAxesAngle   Rotates the axes to an angle.
SetAxesGrid   Shows/hides a grid of points or LineStrings with optional snapping.
SetAxesNormal   Resets the axes to the origin and orientation of the underlying coordinate reference system.
SetAxesPrj  Sets the coordinate reference system used by axes.
SetCoordUnits Sets the preferred angle, linear, area or volume units used in the user interface.
SetDatasetPrj Sets a dataset coordinate reference system.
SetDefaultPrj   Sets the default coordinate reference system.
SetPhotoWorldCentre Sets the centre of the view within the current open Map Frame item.
SetUnits   Sets the preferred units used in the user interface.
SetViewPrj Sets the coordinate reference system of the current window's view.
SimplifyGeom   Simplifies the geometry of the current open item.
SplitExtent   Splits a comma-delimited extents string into numbers.
SplitPos   Splits a comma-delimited position string into numbers.
StrFromMetre   Formats a metre dimension as a string in a chosen format.

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