Properties (ActiveX Control)

ActiveX Controls can have a number of Properties associated with them, e.g. a button might have the properties Background Colour, Foreground Colour, and Caption. Properties may be set at design-time, or at run-time, and typically control the appearance of an ActiveX Control.

The ActiveX Control contains a limited number of properties, it being controlled for the most part using Methods. The properties that do exist are as follows:



Controls whether or not the ActiveX Control draws with a surrounding 3D bevel.

Note: The BorderBevel property can only be set at design-time.


This property has now been deprecated.

Note: The CheckNetworkDongle property was used in previous versions of SIS to control whether the ActiveX Control looked for a network licence. This function is now controlled using _SentinelRMSServerList$. See Command Line Arguments.


Sets and gets the current ActiveX Control command message string.

Note: The CommandMessage property can only be set at run-time.


Sets and gets the current ActiveX Control command prompt string. This value can also be set and queried using the _ArgPrompt$ system variable.

Note: The CommandPrompt property can only be set at run-time.


Controls the display type of the ActiveX Control.

There are four types of display:
MapView - shows a 2D view of the spatial data 
TableView - shows the overlay data in a table
3DView - shows a 3D view of the spatial data
Tree View - shows a list of the different overlays. This is the same functionality found in the Maps Control Bar.

Some Methods and Commands are only valid in one type of display.

Note: The Display property can only be set at design-time.


Controls whether or not the ActiveX Control is enabled.

This is the same as the Enabled property on, for example, a button. When a button is disabled it is drawn in gray, when the ActiveX Control is disabled it is drawn normally, but the user cannot interact with it.

Note: The Enabled property can be set at both design-time and run-time.


Sets and gets the current ActiveX Control licence level.

The Level property controls access to Methods and Commands. There are four levels:

The valid values for the Level property are:



Controls whether or not the ActiveX Control shows a wait or hourglass cursor.

Note: The ShowWaitCursor property can only be set at run-time.


Sets or returns the SWD serial number of the SIS Control.

Every ActiveX Control contains an SWD, which is essentially a list of overlays and a view. Each SWD has a unique serial number. Setting the SWD property of one ActiveX Control to the value of the SWD property of another ActiveX Control will create two views of the same set of overlays. Manipulating the overlays in either ActiveX Control will then affect the overlays in the other. This is analogous to having two child windows in a SIS application, which are views of the same .SWD file. The serial number of an SWD is constant throughout a single program execution, but should not be stored for use between executions.

Setting the SWD property to -1 will make the ActiveX Control create and reference a new, empty SWD.

Note: The SWD property can only be set at run-time.


Controls whether or not the ActiveX Control fires MouseTrack events.

Note: The TrackMouse property can only be set at run-time.

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