Upgrading SIS ActiveX applications to SIS 8.0

The following instructions will guide you through upgrading your application using a previous version of SIS ActiveX to the latest SIS ActiveX Control

Important Note: Before carrying out any upgrade ensure that you have a backup copy of your application.

  1. Close all open forms containing a SIS ActiveX Control.

    Remove the following references from your project:


    If you can not see the ‘References’ folder, click the icon at the top of the solution explorer to ‘Show All Files’.

    To remove the references right click and ‘remove’.

  2. The next step is to 'Clean’ your project, this will ensure that all references to the old SIS ActiveX control are removed.

    To clean choose ‘Clean’ from the ‘Build’ menu.

    Add a new ‘temporary’ form to your project.

    Add the SIS ActiveX Control to your toolbox by dragging the file ‘Cadcorp.SIS.Control.ocx’ located in the SIS installation folder to the toolbox.

  3. Now drag the control from the toolbox onto your new form, this step will cause new references to be added to your project.

  4. If your application previously used Cadcorp SIS 7.0 then the upgrade should now be complete, compile and test.

    If the application used Cadcorp SIS 6.2 then you will need to add the licencekey and licencesuffix information to your application initialisation:

    AxSisMap.LicenceKey = "your licence key"
    AxSisMap.LicenceSuffix = "your licence suffix"

    Ensure also that your project is set to compile as an ‘x86’ (32-bit) application.

  5. The "_SentinelRMSContactServer$" system variable has been replaced by "_SentinelRMSServerList$". Therefore find instances of "_SentinelRMSContactServer$” and replace with "_SentinelRMSServerList$".

In order to detect network licences you must set the " _SentinelRMSServerList$" variable to either the licence server name or the “CADCORP_LICENCE_SERVER_LIST” constant, refer to Licensing (ActiveX Control):

SisObject.SetStr (SIS_OT_SYSTEM, 0, "_SentinelRMSServerList$", "CADCORP_LICENCE_SERVER_LIST"

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