Cadcorp SIS API Methods

GetSelfIntersection Method


GetSelfIntersection returns the distance to the first intersection along the first geometry component of an Item and simplifies the use of GetGeomSelfIntersection.

Note: GetSelfIntersection will only find a single self-intersection. The method is retained for backwards compatibility but has been replaced by GetGeomSelfIntersection which allows you to find all self-intersections.


GetSelfIntersection always calls GetGeomSelfIntersection with nGeom=0 and arclenStart=-1.0. Therefore calling GetSelfIntersection() in the SIS Control is equivalent to calling GetGeomSelfIntersection(0, -1)

GetSelfIntersection()will return 0.0 if any error occurs. Any error can be queried from the _ExecError& system variable.

Available: OD OM




This example evaluates the position of the first self-intersection from the start of a single piece of geometry, if any.

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