Cadcorp SIS API Methods

OpenCursorItem Method


Opens the item referred to by the current row in the specified cursor.


Visual Basic
Public Function OpenCursorItem( _
   ByVal cursor As String _
) As Integer


The named cursor from which the item corresponding to the current row is to be opened


Edits made to the item are independent of the cursor. If the property edited is also held in the cursor then UpdateCursorItem must be called to reflect this change in the data held in the cursor.

If an item is opened and edited whilst moving through a cursor then UpdateCursorItem must be called to prevent disruption to the looping move operation.

Available: GEO MM ME MD OD OM SISpy



sis.OpenCursorItem ("MyCursor")
sis.SetStr(SIS_OT_CURITEM, 0, "UPRN$", "123456")

Opens the item corresponding to the current row in MyCursor as the current item. This example shows an item being opened from a cursor so that the value of the property UPRN$ can be set.

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