Cadcorp SIS API Methods

SetGeomSegBulge Method


Sets the bulge of a segment within the geometry in the current open Item. The bulge factor determines the segment’s arc radius. A bulge factor of 0 defines a straight line. The bulge factor may or may not be positive dependent on the axis of a bulge segment. The axis x, y and z component of the axis vector can be queried with the GetGeomSegAxis method.

Note: Moving a bulge segment may or may not invert the z component of the axis vector.

The bulge factor is derived from the arc radius by calculating the tangent of one-fourth of the included angle between the segment’s start and end points as shown in the figure below.

The bulge factor is tan(q/4) or b/a.

To get the bulge of a segment within the geometry in the current item, see GetGeomSegBulge


Visual Basic
Public Function SetGeomSegBulge( _
   ByVal nGeom As Long, _
   ByVal nSeg As Long, _
   ByVal bulge As Double _
) As Integer


The index of the geometry component, starting at 0. Use GetNumGeom to get the number of geometry components in an Item.
The index of the segment within the current open Item. The indices run from 1 to GetGeomNumSeg - 1, e.g. a LineString item with two points has one segment, index 1.
The new bulge value of the given segment. The bulge factor is the tangent of one quarter of the sweep angle. A bulge factor of 0.0 implies a straight segment.


Available: GEO MM ME MD OD OM SISpy



sis.SetGeomSegBulge (0, 3, 0.25)

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