Theme Properties

SIS uses named Theme objects to control the display, e.g. Brush, Pen, Symbol, of items depending on Item properties, and also to annotate items, e.g. with Bar Charts, or Pie Charts, see Theme Types available for a complete list of available Themes.

The properties of Theme objects are set and queried using the SIS_OT_THEME constant and the GetFlt/GetInt/GetStr/GetProperty and SetFlt/SetInt/SetStr/SetProperty methods. The nObject& argument is not required with SIS_OT_THEME, and should be set to 0. The Theme must first have been loaded using the LoadTheme method, or created using one of the Theme creation methods, e.g. CreateBarTheme.

Theme Component Properties

Several types of Theme consist of several "components", e.g. blocks in a Bar Charts Theme, slices in a Pie Charts Theme, etc. Each of these components has its own properties, see Theme Types available for a complete list of available Themes.

Theme component properties are set and queried using the SIS_OT_THEMECOMPONENT constant and the GetFlt/GetInt/GetStr/GetProperty and SetFlt/SetInt/SetStr/SetProperty methods. The nObject& argument must be the index of the Theme component being queried or edited. The number of components in a Theme is dependent on the type of Theme. See Themes for further details. The Theme must first have been loaded using the LoadTheme method, or created using one of the Theme creation methods, e.g. CreateBarTheme.

Note: Theme component indices run from zero to one less than the number of Theme components.

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