Location tab command groups

The Location tab is divided into five logical command groups as shown below:

GPS Connection

Connect Connects to a GPS device attached to this computer.
Disconnect Disconnects the currently connected GPS device.
 (Connect GPS) Displays the configuration dialog to connect to a GPS device attached to this computer.


Click Forces a mouse-click at the current GPS position.
Point Creates a new Point Item at the current GPS fix position.
LineString Creates a new LineString Item with vertices at GPS fix positions.
Polygon Creates a new Polygon Item with vertices at GPS fix positions.
Close Closes the current GPS LineString or Polygon capture command, and adds the resulting Item.


Show Toggles the visibility of the GPS fix position.
Track Enables/disables centering the Map Window on the GPS fix position.
Center Centre the Map Window view around the GPS fix position.


Replay Replays a log file of GPS data.
Pause Pauses a GPS log file replay.
Stop Stops a GPS log file replay.
 (Start GPS Replay) Replays a log file of the GPS data.

GPS Status

Status Shows the GPS status, e.g. current position, satellites, etc.
 (GPS Status...) Shows the GPS status, e.g. current position, satellites, etc.

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