
Local or Non-Earth coordinates are Cartesian coordinates in a non-Earth (non-georeferenced) coordinate system. Local coordinate systems are typically used for CAD applications and local surveys.

The full list of units available are:

Local (ch (Ben))
Local (ch (Sear))
Local (ch US)
Local (cm)
Local (foot)
Local (ft (Cla))
Local (ft (Sear))
Local (ft (US))
Local (GLM)
Local (Imperial)
Local (Inch)
Local (Ind ft (Cla))
Local (km)
Local (lk (Ben))
Local (lk (Cla))
Local (lk (Sear))
Local (lk (US))
Local (m)
Local (mile US))
Local (mile)
Local (mm)
Local (nautical mile)
Local (yd (Sear))
Local (yd Ind)
Local (yd)



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