Regular Tile Cache

This is an open source tile cache structure, also known as XYZ Tile Cache or Google Disk.

Adding the data

Field Is it Optional
or Required?
Name Required An appropriate user added name.
Add URL Required Enter the URL in the required format, for example http://machinename/TileCache/${z}/${x}/${y}.jpeg (changing the image format to match the format of your tile cache).

TileCache is the name of the IIS virtual or application directory. This location must contain the CacheMetadata.txt file.
Show Image Checkbox Ignore This option is present for legacy support of Web Map Layers 7.1, if using the standard Web Map Layers 8.0 site this parameter can be ignored.
Visible Ignore This option is not yet available in Web Map Layers 8.0, but has been added in preparation for future development.
Projection Required Choose from a predefined list of SRID numbers to define what projection the tile cache was created in. More SRID numbers can be added in the Projections table of the webMapLayersConfig.db.
Copyright Optional Text entered here will appear across the bottom left of your Web Map Layers 8.0 site.
Tile Width Required The width of the tiles to be displayed (as defined when the cache was built).
Tile Height Required The height of the tiles to be displayed (as defined when the cache was built).
Transition Effect Required This is set by default to resize, this means that when the map is zoomed, the tile is resized to give the effect that the zoom has taken place immediately, the actual tile is then drawn on top of the resized one as it becomes available.
Use Authenticated Proxy Optional Tick this box if your regular tile cache is accessed through an Authenticated Proxy server.
Proxy URL Optional If using an Authenticated Proxy specify the URL here.
Proxy User Name Optional If using an Authenticated Proxy specify the User Name here.
Proxy Password Optional If using an Authenticated Proxy specify the Password here.

Note: When you are adding a tile cache that is to be used as base mapping, you need to ensure that the extents for the CRS given in the Projections table (in the webMapLayersConfig.db) match those that are defined in the tile cache.

For example if you create a Tile Cache in British National Grid with the extents 0,0,700000,1500000 you need to locate the SRID for this projection (27700) in the projections table and ensure that the extents match.

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