Command Methods (GisLink)

The following methods allow :

  • An Add-In (created using GisLink) to start system commands and
  • To add or remove application-specific commands from both the main menu and the context menu (local, right-button mouse menu.)

Add-Ins can also monitor the progress of system commands using Triggers.

AllowCommands Adds or removes commands from the menu.
CallCommand   Calls a non-interactive command in the current SWD.
CanDoCommand   Checks whether or not a command can be executed.
DoCommand  Executes a command.
GetCommandTick   Gets the tick state of an application-defined command.
MenuItem Adds a custom command to a local menu.
RegisterTrigger   Registers a trigger button that will be pressed when an event occurs.
RemoveCommand Removes an application-defined command.
RibbonButton Adds a custom command to the ribbon Applications tab.
SwitchCommand   Queues a command for the current SWD and returns immediately.
TickCommand   Sets or clears a tick on an application-defined command.