File Methods (GisLink)
The following methods control SIS Workspace Definitions (SWDs).
Note: Some of these methods are only available using GisLink created Add-Ins and Cadcorp SIS Desktop applications, not in ActiveX Control.
CreateBitmapFromImage | Creates a bitmap from an image. |
Exit | Exits the Cadcorp SIS Desktop session. |
Export | Exports data using an Add-in exporter. |
ExportBds | Exports the current view to a BDS file. |
ExportBmp | Exports the current view to a Windows Bitmap (BMP) file. |
ExportCursorDataset | Exports an Overlay to a cursor-based Dataset, e.g. Cadcorp Feature Database (FDB). |
ExportEcw | Exports the current view to an Earth Resource Mapping Enhanced Compression Wavelet (ECW) file. |
ExportFeatureTable | Exports a named feature table to a comma-separated file. |
ExportGif | Exports the current view to a GIF file. |
ExportJpeg | Exports the current view to a JPEG file. |
ExportPdf | Exports the current view to a PDF file. |
ExportPng | Exports the current view to a PNG file. |
Export Raster | Exports the current view to |
ExportTiff | Exports the current view to a TIFF file. |
ExportVrml | Exports the current view to a VRML file. |
ExportWmf | Exports the current view to a Windows Metafile (WMF) file. |
GetNumSwd | Gets the number of different SWD files open. |
GisExit | Exits the Cadcorp SIS Desktop session. |
InsertDataset | Inserts a dataset into the current SWD. |
Publish | Publishes data. |
SaveBitmap | Saves the current open Bitmap item to a file. |
SwdClose | Closes all of the windows of the current SWD. |
SwdNew | Creates a new, empty SWD. |
SwdNewFromSwt | Creates a new SWD from an SWT. |
SwdNewWindow | Creates a new window onto an existing SWD, with the given view. |
SwdNewWindow3D | Creates a new 3D window onto an existing SWD. |
SwdNewWindowTable | Creates a new Table window onto an existing SWD. |
SwdOpen | Opens an existing SWD. |
SwdSave | Saves the current SWD. |
SwdSaveAs | Renames and saves the current SWD. |
SwdSaveAsPwd | Saves the current SWD as a PWD. |
SwdSaveAsSwt | Saves the current SWD as an SWT. |
SwtClose | Closes all of the windows of the current SWT. |
SwtNew | Creates a new, empty SWT. |
SwtOpen | Opens an existing SWT. |
SwtSave | Saves the current SWT. |
SwtSaveAs | Renames and saves the current SWT. |