Configuring the Cover Modeller Service

The windows service has no interface –all aspects of the service can however be edited or customised through the config file:

\Cover Modeller\Service\CoverModeller.config

The service reads all parameters from with the <configuration> node in the xml file.

CoverModeller.config is only read on start-up. To change the operation of a running service, the service should be restarted after any changes to the config file.

Here is an example config file. Click on any XML tag for more information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<liveViewFolder>c:\ProgramData\Cover Modeller\Live</liveViewFolder>
<scenarioViewFolder>c:\ProgramData\Cover Modeller\Scenario</scenarioViewFolder>
<swd>C:\Projects\OCX\SIS 9.0\DynamicCover\Test data\NottsWithHighways.swd</swd>
<applianceStatus Column="Status$">
<value>On shift</value>
( _length# / CASE  WHEN RoadClassification$ ='Unclassified' THEN 20 
WHEN RoadClassification$ ='B Road' THEN 25
WHEN RoadClassification$ ='A Road' THEN 50 
WHEN RoadClassification$ ='Motorway' THEN 60

WHEN RoadClassification$ ='Classified Unnumbered' THEN 20
WHEN RoadClassification$ ='Not Classified' THEN 20
WHEN RoadClassification$ ='Unknown' THEN 20 END )
* ( 60 / 1609.344)
<!--  <value>7</value> -->
<!-- isochrone method must be one of buffer, convex or isoroute -->
<isochrone Method="buffer">
<!-- verbosity should be normal, verbose or debug -->

Running the Cover Modeller Service should populate the following files into the \Apps\CoverModeller\live\data folder:

  • Appliances.json
  • Coverge.json
  • Isochrones.json