Defining Risk

Cover Modeller needs an initial level of risk assigned to each feature in the Coverages overlay. This must be set up using Cadcorp SIS Desktop.

Features are themed to describe the level of coverage at this location by Cover Modeller.

These can be irregular features such as Wards or regular grids for a uniform coverage but they must all have a level of risk held as an attribute called risklevel@.

The Risk Theme will be used to display risk in the Cover Modeller map interface using a Risk Grid. It is usually a grid of squares and can be built from a number of factors using Risk Modeller

This allows different risk models to be used.


  • The Risk Theme should be included as a layer in the SWD used by Cover Modeller Service and named Risk Grid.

  • The Risk Grid should have a number of levels of risk (for example Low/Medium/High or 1,2,3) held as an attribute risklevel@.

  • The Risk Grid will not be recalculated during the session – it represents a fixed level of risk. It is the results of isochrone calculations that will affect the risklevel@ attribute in Cover Modeller.

  • If a Grid Square is intersected by an IsoRoute from an available appliance, the risklevel@ attribute will be reduced to 1 (Low). The risk for that grid may be high, but because it is within response time, it can be considered low risk. Essentially, if the Grid Square is within the IsoRoute, it becomes low risk.