What is an instance?

An instance is basically a Windows service - Cadcorp GeognoSIS Manager allows you to administer instances/services. For eg your GeognoSIS can contain:

  1. One instance to serve Ordnance Survey base mapping,
  2. Another instance to serve business data using the GeognoSIS HTTP API.
  3. A third instance for a Cadcorp mapping product (eg WebMap 9).

When GeognoSIS is installed, an Administration instance is created and uses a port number. You can see this in GeognoSIS’s final installation screen.

In this example, port number 4600 is used and forms part of the URL for the browser-based GeognoSIS Manager.

Instances also allow resources and access to the GeognoSIS engine to be isolated from each other.

TIP: When separate instances are used for different services, sites or tasks, they run independently of each other. This in turn ensures stability and fair distribution of resources.