HTTP API Processes - Geometry
This section contains the following topics:
- Boundary - Gets the boundary of an Item
- Clip inside - Clips parts of source Items that are inside a clipping Item from another Overlay
- Clip outside - Clips parts of source Items that are outside a clipping Item from another Overlay
- Close - Closes any open geometry, joining the end to the start
- Convex hull - Creates a convex hull Polygon around an Item
- Envelope - Creates an envelope Polygon around the extents of an Item
- Explode parts - Explodes each 'part', of an Item into a separate LineString
- Explode segments - Explodes each 'segment'
- Explode vertices - Explodes each vertex of an Item into a separate Point
- Facet - Facets curved geometry segments into straight geometry
- Fill - Fills the boundary of an Item
- Join LineStrings - Joins LineString Items together to make a longer LineString Item, within a tolerance
- Move - Moves an Item in X and/or Y and/or Z
- Remove interior loops - Removes interior loops (holes and islands) from Polygons, leaving only exterior loops
- Reverse geometry - Reverses the geometry of an Item
- Rotate - Rotates the geometry of an Item about a hook point
- Scale - Scales the geometry of an Item about a hook point
- Smooth (mid-points) - Smoothes the geometry of an Item, keeping segment mid-points fixed
- Smooth (vertices) - Smoothes the geometry of an Item, keeping vertices fixed
- Strip geometry - Strips the geometry of an Item, leaving an Empty Item
Note: Some properties in the above processes are mandatory and some are optional. Mandatory properties are shown in RED.