3D Methods

The following methods offer control over the 3D functionality provided within SIS Desktop.

CreateAspectGrid   Creates an 'aspect' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles measured from North.
CreateExtrusion   Creates a Surface item by extruding the current open Polygon or LineString item.
CreateGradientGrid   Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as gradients between 0 and 100%
CreateGridFromQZone   Creates a Grid item from the current open QZone item.
CreateHotSpotGrid Creates a Hot Spot Grid item from the origins of the items in a named list.
CreateQZoneFromGrid   Creates a QZone item from the cells in the current open Grid item that are between two values.
CreateScatterGrid   Creates a Grid item from the hook points of the items in a named list.
CreateSlopeGrid   Creates a 'slope' Grid from the currently open TIN as angles between 0 and 90 degrees.
CreateSurface   Creates a Surface item from the current open Polygon item.
CreateTin   Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list.
CreateTinEx Creates a TIN from the hook points of the items in a named list, using advanced creation properties.
CreateViewshed   Calculates a 'viewshed' over Grid Items.
Get3DEye   Gets the position of the Eye in a 3D window.
Get3DLook   Gets the position looked towards in a 3D window.
Set3DView  Sets the eye and look position in a 3D view.
SetGridItemValue   Sets the value in a cell of the current open Grid item.