Working with the Ribbon Interface

In-Process GisLink applications are loaded to the “Applications” tab of the SIS Desktop user interface.

Here is an example of a GisLink application (the Routing Tools add-in)

The class has a ribbon group created by default (self.application.ribbon_group).

Individual UI components are added to the ribbon group object. The ribbon group’s label can be changed by setting the “text” attribute on the object.

ribbon_group_text = "Ribbon Group Text"

self.application.ribbon_group.text = ribbon_group_text

You can add regular buttons, checkboxes, labels, separators and launch buttons to the ribbon group.

To add a regular button with a click handler:

import gislink

# SIS properties (required)
cadcorp_version = '1.0'
cadcorp_vendor = 'Cadcorp'

class MyGisLinkApp(gislink.Program):
    def __init__(self):
        # gislink.Program automatically creates application member
        assert self.application is not None

        # Set up Ribbon group
        self.application.ribbon_group.text = "MyGisLink"

        # Add SIS Ribbon controls
        btn = gislink.RibbonButton("text") = "help"
        btn.description = "description"
        # Size of button
        btn.large_image = True
        # Making button visible
        btn.min_status = 1 # visible
        btn.enabled = True
        btn.default_command = True
        # Sets button icon to "MyIcon.ico" file located in the same folder as the Python file
        #self.btn.icon = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "MyIcon.ico")
        # Add the button object to the ribbon group

    def on_click(self, event):
        # Link API to button click
        sis = event.desktop
        #API ScanOverlay on the highest overlay postion in the current window
        scan = sis.ScanOverlay("Items in overlay", (sis.GetInt(4, 0, "_nOverlay&") - 1), "", "")
        # Calling predefined variable in print command. Result will be printed in the API & Command Log