Nearest neighbour interpolation

To use "nearest neighbour" interpolation or proximal interpolation of a raster:

  • Switch to the Simple drawing engine.
  • Use the Advanced drawing engine and set the GBitmapInterpolationMode& property to 5.
  • Use the Hardware accelerated drawing engine and set the GBitmapInterpolationMode& property to 1.

TIP: You can use this method to avoid the halo effect that occurs when the Advanced drawing engine is used you have the following alternatives:

Adding the GBitmapInterpolationMode& property

The GBitmapInterpolationMode& property can be added on the Overlay or on the Bitmap/Image Item itself.

To add the GBitmapInterpolationMode& property to the overlay open the Overlays > Properties.

Click Add to display the New Attribute dialog:

Enter GBitmapInterpolationMode& and give it the value of 5.

Click OK.