
Replicate creates an editable copy of the selected item(s) in a user-defined overlay without using the clipboard. The new copies are placed in exactly the same spatial location as the originals.

Select Edit > Clipboard > Replicate.

Why should I use Replicate instead of Copy/Paste?

  • Replicate is useful for copying items between coordinate systems. Replicating will reproject the data if a different CRS is used unlike Copy/Paste.
  • When copying large amounts of data it is preferable to use the Replicate option.


Select the item(s) to replicate. In this example the Overflow Parking Item is selected.

Click on the Replicate button.

The Overlay to replicate to dialog will be displayed: 

To select an overlay to replicate to, choose either of the two:

  1. Pick an existing Overlay
  2. Create a new Overlay

1. Pick an existing Overlay

  • Select the Pick an existing Overlay radio button.
  • Select the overlay to replicate to from the list shown.
  • Alternatively if you know the overlay name, start typing it in the Search Overlays text box. In this example the overlay Lake is selected from the overlay list.
  • Click OK.
  • The Lake overlay will now have the Overflow Parking Item included:

2. Create a new Overlay

  • Select the Create a new Overlay radio button.
  • Click the Create Overlay button.
  • Select the required overlay type from the displayed options:

The file name you enter will be added as new overlay in the list of overlays in the tree.