Index Dataset Naming Conventions
Cadcorp SIS Desktop uses an Index Dataset to manage other dataset files which tile together to make a continuous map base.
An Index Dataset can use multiple directories and/or multiple file formats.
An Index Dataset uses Index Dataset Naming Conventions to tile together the map base. The following is a list of all Index Dataset Naming Conventions available in SIS Desktop 9.
- Bartholomew 50km
- Canadian NTS Central, Latitude 68° to 80°
- Canadian NTS North, Latitude 80° to 84°
- Canadian NTS South, Latitude 40° to 68°
- Count Rectangles
- C-squares
- Digital
- Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)
- GTOPO30 Namer
- GTOPO30 Antartica Namer
- Japanese Digital Map
- Japanese GAM
- Japanese GAM (ab)
- Japanese GAM (abcd)
- Japanese GAM (abcd-ef)
- Japanese GAM (abcd-ef-gh)
- Japanese GAM (abcd-ef-gh-i)
- Japanese GAM (abcd-ef-gh-i-j)
- Japanese GAM (abcdefg)
- Landline 1:1250
- Landline 1:2500
- Landline 1:10 000
- National Grid 250 metre
- Natural Area Coding System
- NEXTMap Britain Contours
- NEXTMap Britain DSMs
- NEXTMap Britain DTMs
- OS (GB) Asset Manager
- OS (GB) BaseData GB
- OS (GB) Boundary-Line
- OS (GB) Land-Line 1:10000
- OS (GB) Land-Line 1:1250
- OS (GB) Land-Line 1:2500
- OS (GB) National Grid 250 metre
- OS (GB) Network Manager
- OS (GB) OSCAR (pre April 1994)
- OS (GB) PROFILE (Contour)
- OS (GB) Route Manager
- OS (GB) Strategi
- OS (GB) Streetview
- OS (GB) Vector Map District
- OSI 1:1000
- OSI 1:2500
- OSI 1:5000
- OSI 1:50000
- OSI 1:250000
- Pyramid
- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
- USNGNamer_1_000_000
- USNGNamer_100_000
- USNGNamer_10_000
- USNGNamer_1_000
- Zenrin IGES (Dnxxxyyy)