Installing PostGIS

This topic contains information on installing PostGIS and PostGIS Raster as well as versions of PostGIS supported by Cadcorp SIS Desktop


Download the relevant file from

Double click on the .exe file and follow the setup wizard. The default location will be C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\version no. or C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\version no. Make a note of this location.


Download the relevant file from  or use the Stack Builder to choose a download through a mirror site.

Follow the installation setup wizard to install PostGIS.  

PostGIS Raster (WKT)

Download the relevant zip file from  and extract into a working folder.

Copy the rtpostgis.dll from the lib folder of the working folder to the lib folder of your PostgreSQL install.

Copy the contents of bin folder (, libgdal.dll) of the working folder to your PostgreSQL bin folder.

Open pgAdmin tool, click on Execute arbitrary SQL queries and run the rtpostgis.sql script (working folder\share\contrib\postgis\).

To check it has been installed correctly run the following script: SELECT postgis_raster_lib_build_date(), postgis_raster_lib_version(); and you should receive the following output:

PostGIS raster is now installed.

Supported versions in Cadcorp SIS Desktop

It is recommended that Cadcorp SIS Desktop users should have PostgreSQL 9.0 and PostGIS 2.0 installed with corresponding PostGIS WKT Raster.