Redundant Licence Servers

A licence server can be backed up using redundant licence servers.

In this method licences are shared amongst servers. This simply means if the primary licence server fails a secondary server can step in automatically.

Things to remember

  • All redundant licence servers at a site form a licence server pool. Each server in the pool can take over from any other server in case of failure.
  • Up to 11 licence servers can be used to provide licence server redundancy (however a minimum of three must be used).
  • The number of redundant licence servers and the specific machines on which they reside should be decided prior to licences being created. A number of factors (including network performance) will affect this decision. (Please speak to your IT department.)
  • Licence servers will be locked to specific computers; ensure you have provided Cadcorp with the locking code for each computer on which a redundant licence server is to be installed.

Licence request with all three Redundant Licence Servers operational:

If Server 1 fails licences are transferred to Server 2:

This process will be repeated up to Server n.