Point Item Properties

A Point item is a dot placed in 3-dimensions. Point items may have a Symbol assigned to them to display symbols.


  • Angle: _angleDeg#
    The angle of an item, in degrees.

  • Bold: _text_bold&
    Is the text drawn bold?

  • Box: _text_box&
    Should a box be drawn around Box Text characters?

  • Box padding: _boxPad#
    Pads the background box around the text.

  • Brush: _brush$
    The Brush used to cover any Polygon covered by the Item.

  • Character Spacing: _character_spacing#
    The adjustment of white space between characters.

  • Class name: _class$
    The internal class of the Item, as used in API methods that require an Item class.

  • Dataset: _dataset$
    The name of the Item's dataset.

  • Description: _DESC$
    A textual description of the object.

  • Dimension: _dimension&
    The dimension (or 'order') of an Item: a Point has dimension 0; a LineString has dimension 1; and a Polygon has dimension 2.

  • End X: _endx#
    The X coordinate of the Line's end point, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • End Y: _endy#
    The Y coordinate of the Line's end point, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • End Z: _endz#
    The Z coordinate of the Line's end point, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • Feature code: _FC&
    The feature code for the Item. If an Item has a feature code then its Pen, Brush, Symbol, etc. are taken from a Feature Table.

  • Feature table: _featureTable$
    The feature table which an Item uses to get information about a feature code.

  • Font: _font$
    The True Type (tm) font used to draw the text.

  • Geometry class: _classGeom$
    The type of geometry used by this item.

  • Horizontal: _bHorizontal&
    Should point geometry within this Item force any Symbol to be drawn horizontally?

  • Horizontal alignment: _text_alignH&
    The horizontal alignment of text about its digitised position.

  • Italic: _text_italic&
    The ID of the Item. Every Item is automatically allocated an ID number which is unique within its dataset.

  • Item ID: _id&
    Is the text drawn italic?

  • Item class: _classLocal$
    The Item's class. Every Item has a class, which determines its appearance and behaviour.

  • Layer: _layer$
    The layer attribute of an Item. The concept of layers is used in many CAD systems, and in the Autodesk (tm) DXF and DWG formats.

  • Length: _length#
    The length of the geometry, in metres.

  • Level: _level&
    The level within an overlay that an Item is drawn on. If lots of Items are in one overlay, then you can control the order in which they are drawn by setting their levels.

  • Line spacing: _line_spacing#
    The line spacing used for multi-line text.

  • Markup: _text_markup&
    Should special characters be interpreted as markup, eg to make parts of the text bold or italic?

  • Maximum scale: _scalemax#
    The highest reproduction scale at which an Item will be drawn. If you set this value to 1000, and then zoom out to 1:2000 the Item will become invisible.

  • Mean X: _meanx#
    The mean of the Item's X coordinates, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • Mean Y: _meany#
    The mean of the Item's Y coordinates, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • Mean Z: _meanz#
    The mean of the Item's Z coordinates, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • Minimum scale: _scalemin#
    The lowest reproduction scale at which an Item will be drawn. If you set this value to 100, and then zoom out to 1:50 the Item will become invisible.

  • Opaque: _text_opaque&
    Should text be drawn with an opaque background?

  • Origin Latitude: _oLat#
    The latitude of the Item's origin, in degrees, in the geodetic datum of the dataset CRS.

  • Origin Longitude: _oLon#
    The longitude of the Item's origin, in degrees, in the geodetic datum of the dataset CRS.

  • Origin X: _ox#
    The X coordinate of the Item's origin, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • Origin Y: _oy#
    The Y coordinate of the Item's origin, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • Origin Z: _oz#
    The Z coordinate of the Item's origin, in metres from the dataset origin.

  • Outline: _text_outline&
    Should the text be drawn with an outline.

  • Parent feature code: _parent_FC&
    The parent feature code of this Item's feature code.

  • Pen: _pen$
    The Pen used to draw the Item.

  • Point height: _point_height&
    The height of the text in "points". The item's dataset scale is used to determine how big a "point" is in the real world. Negative point sizes fix the size of the text relative to the screen.

  • Rounded rectangle: _text_roundrect&
    Should the text box be drawn with round corners?

  • Scale: _scale#
    The scale of the Symbol.

  • Simple: _bSimple&
    Is the item's geometry simple?

  • Size in X: _sx#
    The size of the item in the X direction, in metres.

  • Size in Y: _sy#
    The size of the item in the Y direction, in metres.

  • Size in Z: _sz#
    The size of the item in the Z direction, in metres.

  • Straight: _straight&
    Is the geometry completely made up of straight LineString segments?

  • Strikethrough: _text_strikeout&
    Is the text drawn struck out, with a line through it?

  • Symbol: _shape$
    The symbol used to draw the point item.

  • Text fill (brush): _textFillBrush$
    The Brush used to fill the text letters.

  • Text outline (pen): _textOutlinePen$
    The Pen used to outline the text letters.

  • Thin in X: _thinX&
    Does all the geometry in the item have the same X coordinate?

  • Thin in Y: _thinY&
    Does all the geometry in the item have the same Y coordinate?

  • Thin in Z: _thinZ&
    Does all the geometry in the item have the same Z coordinate?

  • URI (Hyperlink): _URI$
    The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) associated with an item, which allows you to link to an object. This object could be a web page, or an application.

  • Underlined: _text_underlined&
    Is the text drawn underlined?

  • Upright: _text_upright&
    Are the text letters always drawn upright, even if the Text or the view is rotated?

  • Vertical alignment: _text_alignV&
    The vertical alignment of text about its digitised position.

  • WGS84 Origin Latitude: _oLatWGS84#
    The latitude of the Item's origin, in degrees, in the WGS84 geodetic datum.

  • WGS84 Origin Longitude: _oLonWGS84#
    The longitude of the Item's origin (in degrees) in the WGS84 geodetic datum.