Publish to PDF- Security options

To publish the current map window as an Adobe PDF file, select File > Publish > Publish to PDF

To set permissions on your printed PDF, use the Security tab.

Options Description
Require password to open the document Check this box to set a password to open the PDF document. If this box is checked the Document open password field becomes active.

Document open password

The password users have to type if they want to open the PDF document.

Use a password to restrict editing and printing of the document

Restricts the printing and editing of the PDF document. Users cannot change the security settings unless they type the password you specify.

Permissions password The password users have to type if they want to change the PDF document's security settings. This password must be different from the Document open password.
Printing allowed

Specifies the quality of printing for the PDF document.

Changes allowed

Specifies which editing actions are to be allowed in the PDF document.

Enable copying of text, images and other content

Allows users to select and copy the contents of the PDF document. Also grants access to those contents to utilities such as Adobe® Catalog®.

Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired Allows visually impaired users to read the document with screen readers. This option does not allow users to copy or extract the document's contents

Specifies the version of Acrobat for compatibility.