Command Line Arguments

Cadcorp SIS Desktop recognises these command line arguments.

Example command lines

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9\Cadcorp.SIS.Loader.exe" cadcorp.sis.exe  --Country:GBR
"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9\Cadcorp.SIS.Loader.exe" Cadcorp.SIS.exe --Product:Express 
--COUNTRY:-* --profile:xxx[MyProgramFolder]"--EMBEDDED

Loading a Project Folder from a command line

For details of creating and using a project folder see the Project Folder topic.

Example command line to open a project folder:

"C:\Program Files\Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9\Cadcorp.SIS.Loader.exe" Cadcorp.SIS.exe --Product:MapModeller C:\Data\MyProject

The above example will open the "MyProject" project folder located in the "Data" folder.