Google Maps

You can now reach a wider audience by adding Google layers as base mapping:

Adding the data

  1. From the main drop-down menu, choose Layers > Add Layers and choose Google Maps as the Layer Type.
  2. Uncomment the Google maps tag from the map.aspx file (located in your installed in SISWebMap folder).
  3. To view Google layers on a mobile device, edit the map.aspx located in SISWebMap\Mobile folder.


Is it Optional
or Required?




An appropriate name that is descriptive of the layer.

Is Base Layer


This should always be ticked for Google Maps. It identifies the layer as a base layer.

Include in Layer Tree


Optional for mobile site. Unlike the desktop site, the mobile site does not have a base layer picker.

As a workaround, this option adds the base layer to the Map Features in the main menu allowing you to switch between base maps.

Spherical Mercator


Choose if the map should act as a Mercator-projected map. This allows support for vector drawing, overlaying other maps, etc.

Layer Type


Allows you to choose between the four supported Google base layers.

Adding Google Maps to a new blank map

Here are a few things to remember when using Google maps as base layers on a newly created blank map:

  1. You cannot edit its resolutions. This is because Google resolutions are hard coded into open layers.
  2. By default, new maps are created in British National Grid projection (EPSG 27700). After adding Google base mapping, remember to change the projection and display to EPSG 3857 in General Settings.
  3. If you experience difficulties in loading your map check there are no spaces in the map name. Spaces can adversely affect the styles_MapStyle of the webMapLayersConfig.db.