OS Data Hub WMTS (OS Maps API)

The OS Data Hub provides a number of different API to serve data. The OS Maps API uses a WMTS and is ideal for background mapping in WebMap.

Because the extents on this WMTS are extended beyond the normal OSGB British National Grid CRS (27700), you should choose a different projection for this base mapping layer.

You will require an API key and the URL to the OS Data Hub to load a WMTS.

In this example, we use OS Zoomstack.

Adding the data

  1. From the main drop-down menu, choose Layers > Add Layers and select WMTS as the Layer Type.
  2. Assign a unique name to this layer.
  3. The API key is is your private API Key.
  4. API Key Parameter – the word key
  5. Add URL: https://api.os.uk/maps/raster/v1/wmts
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Get Info from capabilities. This will populate the Layer Name list:
  8. Pick your preferred layer. NOTE: 27700 = British National Grid and 3857= Long/Lat WGS84 (Pseudo-Mercator)

  9. Enter relevant details and click Add.

You now need to match the new projection reference in the map’s Settings.

  • From the main menu, select General Settings > yourmapname Settings.
  • Change the Projection to 277002020.

Finally, you need to regenerate the Resolutions to update the projection information.

  • From the main drop-down menu, select Resolutions.
  • Click te Regenerate.

Your background WMTS is now ready to be used.

Note: Add the GeognoSIS SWD in the normal way using EPSG: 27700 – Remember to Regenerate resolutions after loading the SWD.