Manage ReportIT

ReportIT is a licensed extension to Cadcorp SIS WebMap. This add-in allows users to report incidents, issues or problems using the map.

See ReportIT in action on user maps. (Opens in a new window)


Enter a name for the report.

Send Email

Enable email sending. To send emails to specific people, Cadcorp SIS WebMap needs information about your mailserver. In web.config set the IP address of the SMTP server within the <mailSettings> section by replacing {host} with your SMTP IP address:

If SMTP authentication has been disabled, WebMap 9 can use Oauth\Modern Authentication. Customise this section in web.config:

<mailSettings mailType="Legacy">
<smtp Host="" Port="0" SecureSocketOptions="0" RequiresAuthentication="false" UserName="" Password=""></smtp>
<graphApi ClientId="" ClientSecret=" " TenantId="" MailAccount=""></graphApi>

Note: If the above section is missing, Legacy SMTP client will be used by default.

Setting mailType property:

  • Legacy will use the old SmtpClient and is configured using>mailSettings

  • None will not use any email functionality

  • SMTP is configured using mailSettings->smtp and uses mailkit

  • Graph uses Microsoft Graph API and is configured using mailSettings->graphApi

Write to Database

Enable reported incidents to be logged to a database. Select the database below.

Email Sender

Email of the user logging the incident (to send confirmations or replies)

Email Subject

Subject of the problem, i.e. ReportIT: Dead Animal

Overlay Name

Overlay containing the incident


Marker used to show the location of the problem.

Database Connection

Choose database connection from the menu.


Database table

Type Field

Table column

Description Field

The table description field.

Location X Field

X coordinate of the identified problem

Location Y Field

Y coordinate of the identified problem

Sender Email Field

Email address of sender

Geometry Field

The Geometry Field column

Note: ReportIT will be enabled in the Mobile Interface of Cadcorp SIS WebMap if the GeognoSIS|Webmap|Add|RPT feature is included in the licence file.

Defining Incidents

Cadcorp SIS WebMap comes pre-installed with three incidents you can report:

  • Abandoned Vehicle
  • Dead Animal
  • Dog Fouling

To add or remove an incident click Add Problem Type.