
Network cache and buffer settings can be changed to speed up GeognoSIS Manager performance.

All network definitions are advanced settings; please edit with caution.

Select Instance > Options > Network.

If no units are specified, standard units are used (eg threads, sockets, buffers, connections, requests, sessions, etc. according to the parameter).

For example:

I/O Buffer Cache Size the unit is the number of I/O buffers in the cache.

Worker Thread Pool Initial Size the unit is the number of Worker Thread Pools.


Listen Port: The port the instance is listening into.

HTTP Server -Connection

Idle Timeout

Sets the length of time in ms before the server disconnects an inactive user. This ensures all connections are closed if the HTTP protocol fails to close a connection.


Maximum number of concurrent connections that are open at the server. Default value = 256.

Read Timeout

The read timeout in ms of a HTTP connection.

Connection Cache Size

The optimum cache size depends on the size and frequency of the files being downloaded.

Request Cache Size

The maximum size of an HTTP message.


Buffer Cache Size

The size of the buffer cache to expedite I/O throughput.

Buffer Size

Size of the buffer in bytes (smaller buffer sizes produce less delay).

Thread Pool Size

Setting a too large thread pool size can cause performance problems.

If too many threads are executing at the same time, the task switching overhead becomes a significant factor.


Cache Size

Number of unused sockets that GeognoSIS keeps in reserve for reuse e.g. to issue a new pending accept.

Per socket Buffer Pool Size

Each socket has its own (small) I/O buffer pool from which it can access a new buffer without having to request the global pool.

This is usually faster as it means the global buffer pool need not be accessed/locked.

Maximum Concurrent Pending Accepts

Number of sockets simultaneously waiting to ‘accept’ a new incoming TCP/IP connection request.