Web Services - Cadcorp HTTP API

Cadcorp services are defined and configured for use by Cadcorp specific applications (such as WebMap 9.1) using the HTTP and SOAP API or tile cache services.

HTTP API SHOULD be enabled for an instance running Cadcorp SIS WebMap.

To do this select Edit > Web Services > Cadcorp HTTP API > Configuration.

Privileges: Different levels of users (Administrator, Public and Guest) can be configured to have different levels of access to the HTTP API; choose from Delete, Insert, Read and Update.

Select Options > Configuration.

If more than one user available, select from the drop-down menu.

Configuration: Allows the administrator to enable or disable the HTTP API for this instance. By default HTTP API is turned off.

You can see available HTTP API services using the View button. This takes you back to the Maps view of the services.