What is an instance?

An instance is basically a Windows service - Cadcorp GeognoSIS 9.1 Manager allows you to administer instances/services. For eg your GeognoSIS can contain:

  1. One instance to serve Ordnance Survey base mapping,
  2. Another instance to serve business data using the GeognoSIS HTTP API.
  3. A third instance for a Cadcorp mapping product (eg WebMap 9.1).

When GeognoSIS is installed, an Administration instance is created and uses a unique port number. You can see this in GeognoSIS’s final installation screen.

In this example, port number 4325 is used and forms part of the URL for the browser-based GeognoSIS Manager.

Instances also allow resources and access to the GeognoSIS engine to be isolated from each other.

When separate instances are used for different services, sites or tasks, they run independently of each other. This in turn ensures stability and fair distribution of resources.