Map Tip Settings

Map Tips are snippets of information displayed as the user hovers over any point on the map. 

Begin by selecting fields to be displayed as a MapTip.

  1. Select Visualizations > Build Visual.To add a Map Tip, click and hold on the field (in the Data pane) which holds the attribute to be displayed.
  2. Now simply drag the field into the text box for Map Tips. You can drag multiple Fields into the Map Tips text box.
  3. Note: To change the order in which they are displayed, we recommend removing all Fields and adding them back in the order you wish them to appear.

  4. To customise Map Tip settings, select Visualizations > Format Visual > Visual > Map Settings.
  5. Select the font, text size and colour of the text using the dialogue.
  6. Map Tips- Prefix: Displays the listed field name in front of each MapTip for better clarity.
  7. Map Tips- Persist Enable this option to continue displaying the MapTip even after the user has moved the cursor away from the feature.

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