Coordinates of mouse click in map window
This example shows you how to capture real world coordinates when the mouse is clicked in the map window.
On your web form, add a Label called coordsLabel.
Double-click the map image button to create an event handler and fill in the code as below:
Private Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
' e contains the coordinates of where the user clicked, in pixels
' Use GeognoSIS to convert them to real-world coordinates
Dim v As SisVector = oSis.GetViewPos(e.X, e.Y, ImageButton1.Width.Value,
Write them into the label
coordsLabel.Text = "Coordinates: (" & v.x & ", " & v.y & ")"
End Sub
Although this is a very simple example, once you have the real-world coordinates of the click they can be used for almost any purpose.