Creating and running a Python script
Python scripts allow you to automate tasks in Cadcorp SIS Desktop that would be time-consuming if carried out one task at a time.
1. Creating a Python script
Create a script file using Python's Integrated DeveLopment Environment (IDLE) script editor or similar.
Here are some basics to remember while writing python scripts:
- A Python script file is a simple text file saved with the extension “.py”; it can be created with any text editing software.
- Most PySIS scripts will follow the same basic layout:
# Comment the script using hash
# First import the SIS module
from cadcorp import sis
# Always put your code inside a function
# Put your SIS programming commands here:
sis.Prompt("This is a test command")
Creating Buffer Zones Around UK Supermarkets
This sample script loads a .bds base map and a shape file of supermarkets. Next it creates a 1000m buffer around each supermarket and adds a label to each supermarket. Finally it saves the project as an SWD.
The information below also shows the user how to reference and pre-load Python scripts into SIS Desktop so they can be used directly.
Download the Python script and data
Download and copy the sample zip file (contains Data folder and to your local machine. We recommend you copy it to anew folder C:\Examples.
- Open Cadcorp SIS Desktop.
- Select New > Blank Map.
- Ensure the Python developer tab is open in the bottom of the window.
- Select File > Options > Python and direct the "PYTHONSTARTUP* filename" to
- Direct the "PYTHONPATH* folders" to the folder where you have saved the script. This will load the Python script into the Cadcorp SIS engine.
- Restart Cadcorp SIS Desktop.
- Select New > Blank Map.
- Type in store_analysis() in the python field box.
The script has been pre-loaded into SIS Desktop. Remember to close SIS Desktop if you make any future changes to the script.