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Select Product for more details on your installed version of Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1.
The Licence tab displays the licence number, the licensee, code to identify lock details and the name of the licence server. Licence server and relevant port will be seen only if using a network licence.

The Datasets tab lists all of the datasets available in Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1. All these graphical file formats are read directly in their native formats with translation carried out on the fly. Any combination of file formats can be overlaid and read concurrently with multiple coordinate reference systems and then re-projected.
Exporters tab
The Exporters tab lists all of the export formats available in Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1.
Gazetteers tab
The Gazetteers tab lists the Plug-in Gazetteers available in Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1, provided by Cadcorp or Cadcorp VARs.
The Namers tab lists the Index Dataset Naming Conventions used to tile together the map base.
The Programs tab lists any applications loaded into Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1. These applications will be shown on the Applications tab.
Credits tab
The Credits tab is a list credits and acknowledgements divide into the categories; Trademarks, Free and Open Source Software Licences, Proprietary Libraries, Data and Metadata and Miscellaneous.