Operation Theme Type

To add a new Theme to an existing overlay click Home > Map > Add Theme.

After selecting your overlay, select the Operation theme type.

Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 can create the following operation themes:

  • The Process theme applies geoprocessing to items before they are drawn. Click here a full description.
  • The Extrude 2D items in 3D views theme extrudes 2D items in a 3D views, using an expression that is evaluated for each themed item. The items will only be extruded in 3D windows. Click here fora full description.
  • The Exaggerate the height of items in 3D views theme exaggerates the height of items in a 3D view, using an expression that is evaluated for each themed item. The height of the items will only be exaggerated in 3D windows. Click here for a full description.
  • The Offset items in Z in 3D views theme offsets items in the Z axis in a 3D window using an expression that is evaluated for each themed item. Click here for the full description of this theme.