Oracle Database Connectivity

When installing SIS Desktop, you can also instal the Cadcorp Oracle Instant Client for connecting to Oracle databases.

Note: This feature requires at least 11MB on your hard drive.

Alternatively you can use your own Oracle client software. This must be properly configured to allow Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 to store and retrieve data from Oracle.

Using the standard Oracle Client

For Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 to store and retrieve data from Oracle, the client PC needs to have a properly configured Oracle client installed.

When installing the Oracle client ensure the Administrator level of the client is installed.

Once the Oracle client software has been installed the Local Net Service Name needs to be configured to connect to the database, see below. This task is usually carried out by the database administrator.

Note: The Oracle client version should match the database version.

Setting the Local Net Service Name

The Oracle client needs to be configured so that it can connect to the database. The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant can be used to create a Local Net Service Name:

Note: Contact your database administrator for help in setting this up.

Oracle Locator and Spatial

Location-based capabilities are available in Oracle as either Locator or Spatial.