View Geometry

View Geometry enables you to open a read-only version of an Editable Database dataset.

Within an enterprise, users may still need to be given access to Editable Database datasets. Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 does this by bundling them as non-editable overlays via the View Geometry.

This circumvents the requirement of having to involve database administrators to set the appropriate database privileges.

As well as the SIS V6 ASCII format, Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 supports the following open formats for reading Blob type data:

  • OpenGIS Well Known Text
  • OpenGIS Well Known Binary
  • OpenGIS Geography Mark-up Language

In theory, it should be possible for Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 to read Blobs data generated by other GIS vendors who have used one of the open formats.

Note: See Cadcorp View Geometry for details of creating a View Geometry overlay.