GRIB (*.grb;*.grb1;*.grb2)

GRIB (Gridded Binary) is commonly used to store historic and forecast meteorological data. It is standardized by the World Meteorological Organization's Commission for Basic Systems.

There are currently two versions of GRIB files, known as First and Second edition GRIB.

The files may contain many raster bands which can represent different periods of time. They can also contain vector point data over the top of the grid which contain wind speed and direction information. Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 will automatically style these items if found.

These files are opened using the GDAL library.

Associated file extensions include *.GRB *.GRB1 and *.GRB2 for Second edition files.


  • Cadcorp SIS Desktop
  • Cadcorp SIS Desktop Express
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Modeller
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Manager
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Viewer
  • Cadcorp GeognoSIS