SRTM (*.hgt;*.hgtz)

The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) was an international research effort to create a near global DEM of the globe. The raster files produced by this work have the extension *.HGT.

Each pixel within US territory has the dimensions of one arc second in both longitude and latitude. Outside of the US the data has been resampled down to three arc seconds per pixel.

When opened in SIS Desktop 9.1 the file has a default style applied to it to colour the heights. This can be changed.

This is a memory-based dataset.


  • Cadcorp SIS Desktop
  • Cadcorp SIS Desktop Express
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Modeller
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Manager
  • Cadcorp SIS ActiveX Viewer
  • Cadcorp GeognoSIS