Export to Server (Oracle GeoRaster)

Use File > Export options to export SIS data to Oracle 10g (or later) GeoRaster database.

Note: Ensure the target database has been correctly set up before exporting data to it.

Option Description
User The Oracle user name.
Password The password for the Oracle user name.

The Oracle server to use. This name is sometimes referred to as the 'Net Service Name' or 'Host String'.

Save password in UI settings database (encrypted) Check this tickbox if Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 should store the password in the UI settings database. The password will be stored in encrypted form for security.

Click Next.

The Oracle Spatial GeoRaster dialog will be displayed:

Option Description

The name for the spatial layer being created in Oracle.


Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 will automatically detect the coordinate system of the overlay being exported.


Click to display the Co-ordinate System Details dialog:

Pixel Pixel size in image.

The name for the spatial layer being created in Oracle.

Image - Width: Size of image width in pixels.
Image - Height Size of image height in pixels.
Create Pyramid Check this tickbox if you wish to create a pyramid data structure. We recommend the ticked (default) setting.

Check this tickbox for Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9.1 to provide a name.

Table Name if Automatic is not selected.
Column Name if Automatic is not selected.
Raster Data Table: Name if Automatic is not selected.

Click Finish.

See also Exporting to Oracle for more information.